Posted By: wwh Last page of spelling bee list - 08/12/03 03:29 PM
zootaxy - the classification of animals

zooty - an outdated word for a style in the thirties

pl. zo4ris or zo$ri 5SinoJpn zbri (earlier sbri) < zb (or sb), grass + ri, (foot)wear6 a sandal of a Japanese style, consisting of a flat sole held on the foot by means of a thong anchored in front between the big toe and the toe next to it and passing over the foot

pl. 3tos or It 3ti 73tc8 5altered < It zucchetta, a cap, orig., dim. of zucca, gourd < LL cucutia6 a skullcap worn by Roman Catholic prelates: an abbot‘s is black, a bishop‘s purple, a cardinal‘s red, and the Pope‘s white

zumbooruk - a small cannon fired from back of a camel

swetschenwasser - no hits on Internet

5< Gr zygbtos, yoked < zygon, YOKE6 a cell formed by the union of male and female gametes; fertilized egg cell before cleavage
zy[got[ic 7zj g9t4ik, zi38
1 of, having to do with, or producing a zymogen
2 causing fermentation Also zy[mog[e[nous 7zj m94j! n!s8

zymoscope - a device for studying action of yeasat by measuring amount of carbon dioxide produced

5Gr zymbtikos, causing to ferment < zymoun, to ferment < zymc, a ferment: see ZYME6
1 of, causing, or caused by or as by, fermentation
2 designating or of an infectious disease caused by an enzyme
THE END. There ain’t no more. Stop crying.

Posted By: Bingley Re: Last page of spelling bee list - 08/13/03 02:42 AM
Thank you, Dr. Bill. It's been interesting. The words seem to veer from the ridiculously easy to impossible. Why the contestants should know all these foreign words I cannot see. I'd love to hear the question masters struggle with some of the definitions. I would imagine in some cases there would be room for appeal on the grounds of mispronunciation of the definition.

Posted By: wwh Re: Last page of spelling bee list - 08/13/03 01:11 PM
Dear Bingley. Thank you. I am sure the words were found by a search engine that picked up every word ever in print on the Internet, including a lot of garbage.

Posted By: tsuwm every word ever in print on the internet? - 08/13/03 01:22 PM
on the contrary, they have been building their list(s) since about 1950, and here is rule 5, regarding pronunciation:

5. Words shall be pronounced according to the diacritical markings in Webster's Third New International Dictionary [W3] and its Addenda Section, copyright 2002, Merriam-Webster, from which the pronouncer shall select the definition or definitions that he provides.

hence, one could infer that every word on their list is also to be found in W3..
Posted By: wwh Re: every word ever in print on the internet? - 08/13/03 05:46 PM
Dear tsuwm: more than a few words were not in any dictionary.Some of them were goofy coinages found only in lists of domain names.Remember, I have been working with this list for months.

Posted By: tsuwm Re: every word ever in print on the internet? - 08/13/03 07:54 PM
I know you have, bill; but do you have access to W3 (is the question). it's the big, unabridged version of the M-W dictionary.

for instance, from your last page, as given in W3:
Pronunciation: tsfechnväs(r), tsve-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): -s
Etymology: German, literally, plum water, from zwetschen (plural of zwetsche plum) + wasser water, from Old High German wazzar -- more at WATER
: a colorless plum brandy with a bitter almond taste

Is the unabridged Webster's online--the one you have to pay a subscription for each year--the completely unabridged one that you see in libraries? I guess I should ask 'them' and not 'you all.'

Posted By: tsuwm Re: every word ever in print on the internet? - 08/14/03 01:39 AM
>Is the unabridged Webster's online--the one you have to pay a subscription for each year--the completely unabridged one that you see in libraries?

it is; I have the hard copy on my desk at work, and thanks to those who have donated to my web site, I now have online access.

Posted By: Zed Re: Last page of spelling bee list - 08/18/03 11:18 PM
zumbooruk- a small cannon fired from back of a camel!!! Poor camel!

Posted By: dxb Re: Last page of spelling bee list - 09/11/03 11:29 AM
I remember reading years ago, I think in books by American writers, the occasional reference to a 'zoot suit'. Please, does anyone know what a zoot suit is or was?

Posted By: Faldage Re: Zoot suit - 09/11/03 12:09 PM
A picture is worth: http://www.ronniestuxedos.com/graphics/gallery/zoot-red.jpg

Posted By: dxb Re: Zoot suit - 09/11/03 12:13 PM
Oh, good grief! Straight out of The Mask. Thank you.

Posted By: Zed Re: Zoot suit - 10/15/03 11:02 PM
Worn by swing cats in the early 40's and occasionally even now. I have lindy'd with a hep cat in a yellow zoot suit, and what a dancer he was.

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