Posted By: wwh kiddush - 03/02/03 01:49 PM
5TalmudHeb kidush, sanctification root kdt: see KADDISH6 Judaism a benediction recited over wine or bread on the eve of the Sabbath or a festival

Posted By: wwh Re:killarney - 03/02/03 01:53 PM
The spelling bee has a studpid definition: a green stronger than Gretna gree. I remember a
long time ago seeing stories about elopements to Gretna Green, where formalities for
marriage were less troublesome. Maybe I can find something of interest about Gretna Green.

Posted By: wwh Re:Kilroy - 03/02/03 01:56 PM
During WWII, a commonly seen graffito was "Kilroy was here". I remember seeing an
explanation that an inspector of Government purchases marked them with his name,
and it was copied.

Posted By: wwh Re: kindle - 03/02/03 01:59 PM
kindle 1
3dled, 3dling 5ME kindlen, freq. ON kynda, to set on fire, akin to MHG k=nten6
1 to set on fire; ignite
2 to light (a fire)

Posted By: wwh Re: loyyoeslr - 03/02/03 02:01 PM
pl. 3wakes# or 3wake# 5echoic of its cry6 any of a genus (Rissa) of small gulls of the northern oceans, that nest in cliffs and have a short or rudimentary hind toe

Posted By: wwh Re: kiva - 03/02/03 02:03 PM
5Hopi6 in a Pueblo Indian dwelling, a large room used for religious and other purposes

Posted By: wwh Re: klezmer - 03/02/03 02:07 PM
1 pl. klez#mo[rim$ 73m! rcm$8
a) [Historical] an itinerant musician who performed at Jewish weddings and holiday celebrations in E Europe b) a musician who performs instrumental Jewish folk music derived from E European folk songs, Hebrew melodies, polkas, etc.
2 this instrumental Jewish folk music

I wonder if it was one of these guys who started the computer word so named.

Posted By: wwh Re:knickerbockers - 03/02/03 02:12 PM
It has been a long time since I saw anybody wearing knickerbockers. They were Dutch style
trousers fastened below the knee. With the name shortened to knickers, golfers used to
wear them. Then there were "plus fours" which were for a while even more popular than

Posted By: wwh Re: kornerupine - 03/02/03 02:20 PM
Kornerupine is a rare gemstone and an equally rare mineral specimen. Its claim to fame is its
wonderful emerald green color. This color can be very close to that of emerald's; it has a similar
but higher index of refraction and it even comes with the characteristic inclusions that is a hallmark
of emerald. To distinguish kornerupine from emerald look for the pleochroic colors of kornerupine.
Pleochroic means that different colors can be seen from different viewing angles. For kornerupine,
the colors change from a yellowish-green to a brownish-red as the crystal or gemstone is turned
with respect to the viewer. Green is not the only color of kornerupine as it comes in attractive
browns, yellows and pinks.

Posted By: wwh Re: koshare - 03/02/03 02:25 PM
Hopi Indian dolls

Posted By: wwh Re: krausen - 03/02/03 02:34 PM
From a site about making home brew:
The brown scum that forms during fermentation and clings to the side of the
fermentor is intensely bitter and if it is stirred back into the beer it will cause
very astringent tastes. The scum should be removed from the beer, either by
letting it cling undisturbed to the sides of an oversize fermentor, or by
skimming it off the krausen, or blowing off the krausen itself from a 5 gallon
carboy. I have never had any problems by simply letting it cling to the sides
of the fermentor.

Posted By: wwh Re: kugel - 03/02/03 02:37 PM
5Yidd kugl MHG kugel, ball6 a crusty baked pudding made as of potatoes or noodles

Posted By: wwh Re: kulak - 03/02/03 02:39 PM
5Russ, lit., fist, hence, tightwad ?6 a well-to-do peasant farmer in Russia who profited from the labor of poor peasants and opposed the Soviet collectivization of the land

Stalin murdered many thousands of them

Posted By: of troy Re: kugel - 03/04/03 01:18 AM
kugel is delicious! similiar to bread pudding, it can be sweet or savory. pieces of potoatoes, in a creammy mashed potato custard, with carmelized onions.. baked till it has a crusty top..
noodle kugel is more often sweet, with raisins, and cottage cheese, beaten till creammy instead of milk to make the custard.

noodle kugel is wonderful for breakfast. a fast food, made of noodles, cheese, raisins and other dried fruit, eggs. its neat to eat and taste good.

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