Posted By: wwh haruspication - 02/12/03 05:11 PM
The information obtained by the haruspex:
pl. 3rus4pi[ces# 73p! scz#8 5L, lit., inspector of entrails < haru3 (see YARN) + 3spex (see AUSPEX)6 a soothsayer in ancient Rome who professed to foretell events by examining the entrails of sacrificial animals

Posted By: wwh Re:hastate - 02/12/03 05:14 PM
5L hastatus < hasta, a spear < IE base *bhasto3 a rod, shaft > YARD16 having a triangular shape like a spearhead, as some leaves

Posted By: wwh Re: hellenic - 02/12/03 05:34 PM
referring to the culture of classical Greece:
"Hellenes became the name of all Greeks. But in mythical times Hellenes were those who dwelt about
Alope and Trachis, and held Phthia and Hellas (territories in Thessaly), land of fair women, as they
say. The people from this Thessalian region, called Myrmidons and Hellenes, sailed against Troy
under the command of Achilles.

The eponymous ancestor of the Hellenes is Hellen 1, son either of Deucalion 1 (the man who survived
the Flood), or of Zeus and Pyrrha 1. Deucalion 1 is one of the Three Main Ancestors, and his
descendants founded and ruled mainly Thessalian cities.

The sons of Hellen 1 were Aeolus 1, Dorus 1 and Xuthus 1 [for Xuthus 1 see Achaea, Ionia, and Ion
1]. The descendants of Hellen 1 became kings in several places: his grandson Deion ruled in Phocis
(region bordering the Gulf of Corinth, west of Boeotia), and Deion's grandson was Arcisius, king of
Ithaca and Odysseus' grandfather. Another grandson of Hellen 1 was Cretheus 1, king of Iolcus and
father of Pheres 1, who reigned in Pherae and became father of Admetus 1, husband of Alcestis. Yet
another grandson of Hellen 1, Amphictyon, became king of Athens, but this was a short-lived dynasty.
A granddaughter of Hellen 1, Pisidice 1, is mother of Actor 1, king of Phthia before the times of
Peleus and Achilles. Salmoneus, another grandson of Hellen 1, became king of Elis in the

Posted By: wwh Re:helleri - 02/12/03 05:40 PM
A super-worthless word. An eponymic taxonomic descriptive of a breed of tropical fish!
From M-W online dictionary:

One entry found for helleri.

Main Entry: hel·leri
Pronunciation: 'he-l&-"rI, -(")rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ler·ies
Etymology: New Latin (specific epithet of Xiphophorus helleri), from
C. Heller, 20th century tropical fish collector
Date: 1931
2 : any of various brightly colored aquarium fishes developed by
hybridization of swordtails and platys

Posted By: wwh Re: helminthic - 02/12/03 05:44 PM
el[min[thic 7hel min40ik8
1 of, pertaining to, or caused by helminths
2 expelling or destroying helminths
a helminthic medicine; vermifuge

Stupid definition - That should be anti-helminthic. Unless it's a homeopathic term, yuk,yuk.

Posted By: wwh Re: hemachate - 02/12/03 05:46 PM
Hemachate is a
species of agate, sprinkled with spots of red jasper. HEMATITE. It is the most abundant and
important ore or iron. ...

Posted By: wwh Re: hemeralopia - 02/12/03 05:48 PM
5ModL < Gr hcmeralbps, day blindness ( hcmera, day + alaos, blind + bps, EYE) + 3IA6 a defect in the eye in which the vision is reduced in the daylight or in bright light: cf. NYCTALOPIA
hem#er[a[lop$ic 73l9p4ik8

Posted By: wwh Re: hemera - 02/12/03 05:52 PM
A stratigraphic zone comprising the the time range of a particular fossil species.

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