Posted By: wwh erethism - 01/24/03 05:44 PM
5Fr =r=thisme < Gr erethismos, irritation < erethizein, to irritate < IE base *er3 > RISE, RUN6 [Rare] Physiol. an abnormal extreme irritability or sensitivity of an organ, tissue, etc.

If you want to see some kooky sites, search for "erethism masturbation". Several dopey MD to boot.

Posted By: wwh Re: erysipelas - 01/24/03 05:47 PM
5ME erisipela < L erysipelas < Gr < base of erythros, RED + 3pelas, akin to L pellis: see FELL46 an acute infectious disease of the skin or mucous membranes caused by a streptococcus and characterized by local inflammation and fever
er#y[si[pel$a[tous 73si pel4! t!s8

Posted By: wwh Re: erythropsia - 01/24/03 05:51 PM
A visual condition in which ojects look reddish. Common metaphor for anger = seeing red.

Posted By: wwh Re: esbat - 01/24/03 05:56 PM

A regular meeting held in a coven of Witches which may include religious worship, business discussion, and/or magic and healing
work. The term esbat came into popular usage during the 20th century, and does not celebrate a major festival like the sabbats do.

The frequency of which esbats are held depends on the routine of the coven. Many coven meet at every full moon, which occurs
13 times during a year. Other coven meet on every new moon, wile others meet weekly.

These meetings may take place indoors or outdoors at a covener’s home. The dress is usually informal, such as loose clothing or
robes, or skyclad, nude. Animals, or pets, are allowed as long as they do not disturb the energy flow during the magical work.

Esbats are ended with sharing of food and drink. A.G.H.

Posted By: wwh Re: eschatology - 01/24/03 06:18 PM
5< Gr eschatos, furthest (< ex3, out < IE base *eDhs > L ex) + 3LOGY6 the branch of theology, or doctrines, dealing with death, resurrection, judgment, immortality, etc.
es[cha[to[log[i[cal 7es#k! t! l9j4i k!l, 3kat#!38

Posted By: wwh Re: escheat - 01/24/03 06:21 PM
5ME eschete < OFr, lit., that which falls to one < pp. of escheoir, to fall to one‘s share < VL *excadere, to fall upon < L ex3, out + cadere, to fall: see CASE16 Law
1 the reverting of property to the lord of the manor (in feudal law), to the crown (in England), or to the government (in the U.S.) when there are no legal heirs
2 property so reverting
to cause to escheat; confiscate
to revert or go by escheat

Posted By: wwh Re: esemplastic - 01/24/03 06:23 PM
bringing together or able to bring together different concepts and thoughts into a unified whole !the esemplastic ability of the imagination"

Posted By: wwh Re: esne - 01/24/03 06:29 PM
From Everything. Sound like bullshit to me. In Anglo-Saxon times I think it = serf


(person) by smileloki (18.3 hr) (print)
Wed Mar 13 2002 at 14:02:49

In Norse Mythology, Esne was a hardworking woman who became the wife of Thrall. Their twelve sons and nine
daughters, who were strong and hard working, became the peasants, slaves, and laborers of the world and
formed the lowest class of the three classes of men.

The other classes of men are Carl or Karl (Freemen) and Earl (Noble) and full text of the myth can be found in the
Rigsthula from the Poetic Edda.

Posted By: wwh Re: estancia - 01/24/03 06:31 PM
5Sp, orig., a stopping place6 a large estate, esp. a cattle ranch, in Spanish America

Posted By: wwh Re: estoque - 01/24/03 06:36 PM
(nm) (arma) rapier, sword.

Posted By: wwh Re: etamine - 01/24/03 06:38 PM
5Fr =tamine < VL *staminea < L stamineus, full of threads < stamen, thread6 a loosely woven cotton or worsted cloth, used for dresses, curtains, etc.

Posted By: wwh Re: etiolate - 01/24/03 06:39 PM
3lat#ed, 3lat#ing 5Fr =tioler < dial. var. of =teule, stubble, straw < OFr estouble: see STUBBLE6
1 to cause to be pale and unhealthy
2 to deprive of strength; weaken
3 Bot. to blanch or bleach by depriving of sunlight

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