Posted By: wwh ensorcellment - 01/22/03 07:57 PM
I did not find it in any cictionary, but in dozens of Dungeons and Dragons sites, clearly
intended to mean "enchantment". One site gave "rhabdomancy" as synonym, which suggests
that person did not know meaning of "rhabdomancy = divinging by a rod ,e.g. dowsing".

Posted By: wwh Re: ensteel - 01/22/03 08:02 PM
Again, not in my ductionary. I found a quote in the Kashmir Herald :
" Peace in Kashmir is attainable in the long-term perspective only if the rights and honours of
all Kashmiris are ensured and the psychology and pathology of Jihad are exterminated. VDCs
can perform a salutary role in pursuit of this multi-pronged vision, provided they are
empowered and nurtured with arms, determination and morale. The choice before India is
clear: either grow inured to "dead ducks" and cave in to the diabolical Jihad industry
or rise to the challenge and ensteel nationalist champions like VDCs."
Obviously meaning to strengthen very substantially.

Posted By: wwh Re: enthalpy - 01/22/03 08:05 PM
5Gr enthalpein, to warm in (< en3, EN32 < en, IN + thalpein, to heat) + 3Y46 a measure of the energy content of a system per unit mass

Posted By: wwh Re:entelechy - 01/22/03 08:10 PM
pl. 3chies 5ME entelechia < L < Gr entelecheia, actuality < en telei echein < en, in + telei, dat. of telos, end, completion + echein, to hold: see SCHEME6
1 in Aristotelian philosophy, the actualization of potentiality or of essence
2 in vitalism, the inherent force which controls and directs the activities and development of a living being

Posted By: wwh Re: entoleter - 01/22/03 08:21 PM
Another word not in any dictionary I can find. Apparently a brand name for a machine
used in the production of flour. Sone of these spelling bee words are idiotic.

Posted By: wwh Re: entropy - 01/22/03 08:26 PM
A word I have to keep looking up.
5Ger entropie, arbitrary use (by R. J. E. Clausius, 1822-88, Ger physicist) of Gr entropc, a turning toward, as if < Ger en(ergie), ENERGY + Gr tropc, a turning: see TROPE6
1 a thermodynamic measure of the amount of energy unavailable for useful work in a system undergoing change
2 a measure of the degree of disorder in a substance or a system: entropy always increases and available energy diminishes in a closed system, as the universe
3 in information theory, a measure of the information content of a message evaluated as to its uncertainty
en[trop$ic 73tr9p4ik8

Posted By: wwh Re: epanorthosis - 01/22/03 08:33 PM

from Gk. epi, "in addition," ana, "again," and orthos, "straight"
correctio, praecedens correctio

Amending a first thought by altering it to make it stronger
or more vehement.


I am angry—no, I am furious about the delay.

Posted By: wwh Re:epaulement - 01/22/03 08:52 PM
All you ballet fans, listen up! I won't pretend I grasp the meaning of it.

For a newspaper audience, this is almost impossible to explain but not so for
ballet audiences, dancers, teachers and choreographers. Forsythe said of
epaulement "it is the crowning accomplishment of great ballet dancers. It entails a
tremendous number of counter
rotations determined by the
relationships among the foot,
hand, and head and even of
the eyes. As in Indian classical
dancing, it dictates rules of
gazing past the body. For me,
epaulement is the key to ballet
because it demands the most
complex torsion. The
mechanics of epaulement are
what give ballet its inner
transitions." As he told me in
the interview, "epaulement is
essential to a lot of my
thinking. At one point it's a
completely embodied
mechanic, you don't have to
think about it any more.... no
matter how you turn your hand
in relationship to the foot or
head you can induce
epaulement, so to speak."

In epaulement, as he says, the
eyes gaze out, yet Forsythe is
now concerned with turning the gaze inwards. "If you take the notion of putting
your eyes in the back of your head, for example, what happens to that
epaulement - you can literally invert the epaulement." He calls this "disfocus,
shorthand for inverted epaulement... dancers have to stare up, roll their eyes back
and try to accomplish the inversion." The only way one could really understand
this process would be to see him work in the studio with dancers, as you can in
Mike Figgis's documentary, Just Dancing Around (1995.) Just one section of this
documentary, showing him working with a dancer, leading phrases with the
elbow, stressing the emphasis on the beginning of the movement, says more than
all the words can. One easy way to understand his concepts of tracing
movements through space is his comment "people often ask me where is the
book of photographs of the Frankfurt Ballet. Ballet has been blessed and cursed
by the profusion of coffee table books with ever more more beautiful pictures of
graceful bodies frozen in the air. But our work is about moving between positions,
not maintaining positions. This is actually a fact of ballet in general, new and old:
one moves through a position with greater or lesser accuracy."

Posted By: wwh Re: epaxial, hypaxial muscles - 01/22/03 09:07 PM
i) Hypaxial Muscles
abdominal wall: external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis,rectus abdominis
subvertebral muscles

ii) Epaxial Muscles

multifidi, erector spinae

Posted By: wwh Re: epenthesis - 01/22/03 09:10 PM
pl. 3ses# 73scz#8 5LL < Gr < epi3, upon + en3, in + thesis, a placing: see THESIS6
1 Phonet. a change which involves the insertion of an unhistoric sound or letter in a word, as the b in mumble or the extra syllable in the pronunciation (a0Z![lctE) for athlete
2 the inserted sound or letter
ep[en[thet[ic 7ep#en 0et4ik8

Posted By: wwh Re: epexegesis - 01/22/03 09:16 PM

from Gk. epi, "in addition" and
exegeisthai, "to explain"

When one interprets what one has just said. A kind of
redefinition or self-interpretation (often signaled by
constructions such as "that is to say...").


I'm afraid we've run up against the bamboo curtain—that is to say, an
economic and political barrier in the East as real as the iron curtain has
been in the West.


Posted By: wwh Re: epideictic - 01/22/03 09:19 PM
ep[i[deic[tic 7ep#! djk4tik8
5Gr epideiktikos, declamatory < epideikt(os), verbal adj. (< epideiknynai, to display < epi3: see EPI3 + deiknynai, to show: see DICTION) + 3ikos, 3IC6 intended for display, esp. rhetorical display; designed to impress

Posted By: Wordwind Post deleted by Wordwind - 01/23/03 12:33 PM
Posted By: wwh Re: epexegesis - 01/23/03 02:24 PM
Dear WW: coming from the Silva Rheticae, "epexegesis" should have impeccable pedigree.
I can give you an everyday illustration of it. A young black minister asked an old black
minister how he should organize his sermons. The old man replied: "You tells 'em what you're
going to tell em, you tells 'em , and you tells 'em what you told 'em."

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