Posted By: wwh kokanee - 11/03/02 08:52 PM
Another spelling bee word I never heard before.

pl. 3ees or 3ee 5prob. after Kokanee Creek, a stream in British Columbia6 any landlocked population of the sockeye salmon of W North America

Posted By: Bean Re: kokanee - 11/04/02 03:16 PM
Bill, if you were well, I'd invite you up to Canada for a beer, and we could order you a Kokanee (it's a brand name of beer here). (I don't actually like them much, but that's not the point.) The beer definition has probably eclipsed the salmon definition in recent years.

Posted By: wwh Re: kokanee - 11/04/02 04:20 PM
I hope the beer doesn't have a fishy taste. Thanks for thinking of me though.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: kokanee - 11/14/02 01:48 AM
How can a salmon be landlocked? Seems that would be the end of the salmon.

Posted By: wwh Re: kokanee - 11/14/02 02:02 AM
Dear WW: In Maine, my father used to go fishing for landlocked salmon. Some of the lakes
up there at one time had exit stream emptying into river that emptied into the ocean.
If the exit stream of the lake got blocked, fish could still breed in the lake. There are salmon
in the Great Lakes.Sad to see pictures of big salmon killed by lampreys. We had a threat about
the lampreys.

Posted By: Wordwind Re: kokanee - 11/14/02 02:08 AM
Well, I learn something new every day. I sure didn't know that salmon could become landlocked and keep on breeding.

I just remembered the giraffe term: reticulated! It comes from "net"! Must go post it on that other thread. It's cool how you'll forget a word and while writing about something else, the word pops into your head. I'm sure there's a psychological term for that kind of happening. (I amusingly thought "metriculated"--so close! And then the real term pops in. It's like having internal RAM--a program that keeps on running while you're doing or thinking about something else.)

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