Posted By: wwh D words - 06/20/03 02:29 PM
I'm surprised to find I can again access that word site
I was using a month ago for "C words". Can't remember where I stopped, so will start with some D words"
dab. flatfish (like flounder)
dabble. bob forward and under in shoal water to feed off the bottom
da capo. from the beginning
dace. cyprinidae
dactyl. metrical foot one short syllable followed by two long syllables
dactylogram. fingerprint
dactology. sign language
dado. groove; lower portion of wall; pedestal between base and crown
daedal. ingenious and complex; finely made, artistic
Daedalus. super-artisan; created the Labyrinth
dag. lock of matted wool
Dagon. Philistines; half-man, half-fish
dahoon. evergreen shrub
daily double. winning two bets on two horses the same day
dalmio. hereditary Japanese nobleman
Dakin’s solution. Na hypochlorite, disinfectant
dalapon. herbicide
dalmatic. priestly garment
damascene. wavy patterns
Damascus steel. wavy patterns (early steel)
damask. rich, patterned fabric; sword
damar. varnish resin
damping off. plant disease
damsel fly. dragonfly
Danae. mother of Perseus by Zeus
Danaides. murdered bridegrooms on wedding night.. condemned to pour water into bottomless pit
Dandie Dinmont. terrier
dandle. pamper; move child up and down on knees
Danegeld. English tax to fight Danes
Danelaw. Danish laws in north England
dangling participle. "Approaching New York, the skyline came into view."
danio. aquarium fish
Dantesque. exalted visionary style
Danu. Iranian goddess of death and mother of the gods
dap. fish, dip lightly, bounce or skip over water
daphne. evergreen
Daphne. nymph who turned into a laurel tree to escape Apollo
daphnia. crustaceans (fish food)
Daphnis. Sicilian shepherd—inventor of pastoral poetry
Darby and Joan. 18th century ballad
Dardan. a Trojan
Dardanus. eponymous founder of Troy
Darjeeling. black tea
darkle. to appear indistinctly, darkly
darkling. in the dark, happening in the dark
darksome. dark, somber
darnel. grass
darter. fish
dartie. to thrust or shoot out repeatedly
dasheen. The taro
dassle. the hyrax
dasyure. Australian marsupial mammals
datary. investigates candidates for papal benefices
deaccession. sell museum artwork to buy another piece
deadeye. hardwood disk used to spread lines for shroud (nautical.)
dead hand. mortmain
deadlight. thick porthole window that can’t be opened
deadwood. vertical planking between keel and sternpost
debenture. unsecured bond
debouch. to spread out into the open; to emerge
debouché. a military opening; an outlet
debouchere. a mouth or opening, esp., a river or channel
debridement. cleaning a wound
decadent. 19th C. neurotic writers
decalcomania. transferring decals
decanal. pertaining to a dean
decapod. crab, lobster, shrimp, some cephalopod
decare. 10 ares: 0.2471 acres (1/10th hectare)
Decembrist. 1825 plot to overthrow Nicholas I
decemvir. 10 Roman magistrates, 450 B. C., appointed to draw up a code of laws
decidua. mucous membrane cast off during menstruation
deckle. frame used to make paper by hand
declassé. lowered or lacking in station
decollate. behead
decollate. separate copies
decoupage. decorating a surface with cutouts (incl. paper)
decrepitate. to roast until it crackles
decumbent. lying down; growing along the ground but erect at the apex
decuple. in groups of ten
decussate. forming an "X"
dedans. screened gallery for tennis tournament spectators
deepstructure. underlying structure that determines the semantic interpretation of a sentence
defalcate. embezzle, misprision
defeasance. voiding of a contract or deed; weasel words that permit it
defervescence. abatement of a fever
defilade. arrangement of a fortification to give protection from enfilading and other fire
definiens. word or words defining another word (This is a definiends.)
deflexed. bent downward at a sharp angle
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