Posted By: wwh PARAtist - 04/14/03 05:18 PM

SOPHOCLES, the most perfectly balanced among the three great masters
of Greek tragedy, was born in Colonus, near Athens, about 495 B. C. His
father was a man of wealth, and the poet received the best education of
the time, being especially distinguished in music. He began his career as
aPARAtist at the age of twenty-seven, when he gained a victory over
Ęschylus; and from that time till his death in 405 B. C. he retained the
foremost place as a writer of tragedy.

What in hell is a "PARAtist"?

Posted By: Bingley Re: PARAtist - 04/15/03 03:11 AM
My first guess would be a misprint or scanning error for dramatist.

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